Ep. 56 - Wild Hearts & Weathered Souls' Sunday Brunch
Welcome to the value-gaming-podcast, from the creators of the shitty-spoiler gaming podcast. This time we bring you Wild Hearts, the action RPG that somehow merged Zelda, FF, and Monster Hunter, and lucky for us around these holidays another Game Pass game to keep us out of our wallets. Pairing with that we have another Texas adventure brew from Weathered Souls Brewing, finally a stout for stout season with their Sunday Brunch!
Wild Hearts - https://www.ea.com/games/wild-hearts/wild-hearts
Weathered Soul's Sunday Brunch - https://untappd.com/b/weathered-souls-brewing-co-sunday-s-brunch/4954743
Weathered Soul's San Antonio, TX - https://weatheredsouls.beer/SATX/
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A big shout out to Chad Hammontree for the podcast artwork. See more of his amazing work at https://chadhdesign.com/
Intro & Outro Music - In Reverse by Harris Heller - https://www.streambeats.com/