Episode 58

Published on:

19th Feb 2024

Ep. 58 - Far Cry 6 & Arrogant Bastard Ale

Whether it's a cock fight or street fight we got you covered with episode 58 of the Mana Logs. This time we bring you FarCry6 and from our lovely brother from another mother Tim Benedict we bring to you Arrogant Bastard Ale from Stone Brewing!

Far Cry 6 - https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/far-cry/far-cry-6

Arrogant Bastard Ale - https://www.stonebrewing.com/beer/arrogant-bastard-ale

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Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themanalogs

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themanalogs

Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/themanalogs


A big shout out to Chad Hammontree for the podcast artwork. See more of his amazing work at https://chadhdesign.com/

Intro & Outro Music - In Reverse by Harris Heller - https://www.streambeats.com/

Show artwork for The Mana Logs

About the Podcast

The Mana Logs
Need an excuse to try a new beer and a video game or two? Come check out our reviews!
Ever wondered about a game or new brew, but never found the time to try them? Not sure if it’s worth your gold coins? Well, after 12 years of drinking and gaming together we decided to start discussing what we’re finding! Come listen as we break down everything from craft beers to new seltzers, and phone games to the PC world! Honestly... If you just need an excuse to sit down and try a new beer, or game, then let us help you find one! So if you like drinking, and you like gaming, join us on The Mana Logs!
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About your hosts

Christopher Mazur

Profile picture for Christopher Mazur
Chris "Buhumat" Mazur is a full time Budweiser driver who enjoys everything! Football, games, running, drinking, board games, and even dragging his friends along when possible. "I'm In!" Never a dull moment at home or out. Always ready to tackle any obstacle including taking care of six kids with the help of his amazing wife.

Anthony Ramirez

Profile picture for Anthony Ramirez
Anthony "JesseChrist" Ramirez is a full-time programmer and some-times streamer, on a journey from being just another overweight gamer to a healthier, happier guy. Follow "Jesse" @ https://www.twitch.tv/jessechrist